Motette, Oder hier coeli terraeque serenitas, RV 631
Salve Regina Antifona RV 617
In furore usatissima irae Motetto RV 626
Nulla in mondo pax sincera Motetto RV 630
In turbato mare irato Motetto RV 627
Stabat Mater prima versione G. 532
Stabat Mater
– What God does is fully done BWV 98
– Whoever believes and is getauft, BWV 37
– You hirte Israel, listen to BWV 104
– Heart and mouth and action and life BWV 147
– I call to you, Lord, from the depths BWV 131
– Stay with us, because it will be evening BWV 6
– Depart, sad schatten BWV 202
– Jesus, who my soul BWV 78
– He who sacrifices vermindert praises mich, BWV 17
– Dearest Jesus, my desire BWV 32
– Shout to God in all lands BWV 51
– Rejoice, you hearts BWV 66
Christmas Oratorio BWV 248
Magnificat d-dur BWV 243
Matthäus-passion BWV 244
Johannes-passion BWV 245
Messe in h-moll BWV 23
Ärgre dich, o Seele, nicht Cantata BWV 186
Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten Cantata BWV 93
Siehe zu, dass deine Gottesfurcht nicht Heuchelei Cantata BWV 179
Königin Ceali K 276
Motto Exsultate, jubilate K
Missa brevis in d major KV194
Missa brevis dir solemnis in c-dur KV 259
Missa in c-dur, " Sparrow Mass KV 220
Feierliche Vesperae de Codessore KV 339
Te Deum in c-dur KV 141
Missa brevis g-dur KV 49
Missa in c-moll KV 139
Requiem d-moll KV 626
Ave Verum KV
A German Requiem op. 45
Missa in sol maggiore D 167
Missa brevis Sancti Johannis de Deo
Small organ mass
Missa brevis fa maggiore Hob. XXII:1 “Jugendmesse”
Te Deum
Oratorium Elias op. 70
Messe für den frieden in Der l ' Homme armé
Mass of the Children
Missa in e-dur, Misericordia Domini op. 192
Missa in c-dur op. 169
Magnificat BusWV Appendix 1
Panis angelicus
Ave Maria
Mass kurze N°7
– Luci care, luci belle KV 346
– Wenn sie weit weg ben, mein du bist KV 436
– Zwei pupillen liebenswert KV 437
– This is not a befinden sich zwischen tausend liebhaber KV 438
– Hier ist dieser stolze moment, KV 439
– Mi lagnerò zu schweigen KV 549
– The Seas op. 20
– The Sisters op. 61
– Convent-Lady op. 61
– Phenomenon op. 61
– The Messengers of Love, op.61
– Sounds Die op. 66
– Sounds II op. 66
– On the beach op. 66
– Good advice op. 75
Gypsy songs op. 103 und op. 112 nr. 3-6
Lullaby op.49/4
Sapphic Ode, op. 94/4
Love faithful op. 3/1
Longing for Spring KV 596
The Violet KV 476
Evening sensation KV 523
The beautiful miller ' s wife, op. 25 D 795
The girl ' s complaint op 58/3
To sing on the water op. 72
Death and the Maiden op. 7/3
Hunter ' s Evening Song op. 3/4
Serenade D 889
To the music op. 889
Night and Dreams, op. 43/2
Hunter ' s Love Song op. 96/2
To the Nightingale op. 98/1
Gretchen at the spinning-wheel, op. 2
Night singing
Consolation in tears
Schäfer's Lament Op. 3/1
By the river
An Mignon, op. 19/2
Sea stille meditation op.3/2
The Fisherman ' s op. 5/3
The treasure digger
At the moon
Lullaby op. 98/2
The Hurt on the Rock op. 129
The verschwörer sind, die D-787
Greetings op. 19/5
On Wings of Song op. 34/2
Autumn Song op. 63/4
Folk song op. 63/5
First Green op. 35/4
The Walnut op. 35/4
Widmung op. 25/1
If I were a little bird, op.43/1
First Encounter op. 74/1
Dear Gram op. 74/3
In the night op. 74/4
It is betrayed op. 74/5
Spring song op. 103/2
To the Nightingale op. 103/3
To the Evening Star op. 103/4
Cover me with flowers op. 138/4
Summer rest Wo09
The night
Reed song
Four last Songs:
– Spring
– September
– At bedtime
– In the Sunset
Shepherd ' s song
Vocalise op. 34/14
Songs of a Wayfarer:
– When my darling gets married
– Went across the field this morning
– I have a glowing knife
– My darling' ' s two blue eyes
Spring morning
Who came up with her little song?
Six German songs op. 103
– Be still, my heart
– Branches sang
– Longing
– Lullaby
– The secret song
– Wake up
Posen Rusalky oder mesicku, lied an den mond
Prsten op. 32/9
Zajatà op 32/11
Belle nuit, ô nuit d ' amour
Ave Maria
Not t' amo mehr
Ich möchte
The last minute
Ridonami la calma
Si dolce è il tormento, IV scherzo delle vaghezze
Voglio di vita uscir S.V. 337
Sognava con le stelle, N. 4 IV libro de Madrigali
O qual Pulchra
Ohimè ch’io cado
Ardo e scoprir
Lamento della ninfea
Dalla porta d’Oriente
Dolcissimo sospiro
Movete via pieta
Sfogava con le stelle
Tu ch’ai le penne, Amore
Amor, ch’attendi
Die orfeo, Euridice
il lamento di Arianna
Oblivion soave, dall’incoronazione di Poppea
Nina o sia la pazza per amore, Nina
Die Magd, die geliebte, Serpina
Julius Cäsar in Ägypten, Kleopatra, HWV17
Die zauberflöte, I° sopran der drei-dame
Don Giovanni, Zerlina) and Donna Elvira
Ich weiß fan tutte, Fiordiligi, Despina
Die hochzeit des Figaro, Susanna and La Contessa
La clemenza di Tito, Vitellina
Carmen, Micaela
Lakmé, Dôme épais
Lucia di Lammermoor, Lucia
'Elisir d' amore, Adina
La sonnambula, Amina
Die Zahlreichen, Mimi
Turandot, Liu
Otello, Desdemona
La traviata, Violetta